If you want impact and to reach your strategic goals, you need a high level of engagement from your team. Who are you and your team invited to be and become in order to have the impact you desire? Together we can work and play to amplify engagement in your team by design - unlocking hidden resources and potential.
Unlocking hidden resources by
Facilitating meaningful engagement
Building Teams
Your plate is full. Where will you find the time to design and lead a retreat for your team that builds trust and enables you all to get on the same page? David’s retreats aren’t knowledge dumps. He designs them in conversation with you, building in opportunities for your people to connect deeply and playfully, shift mindsets, and learn/practice skills that are foundational for your collective success.
Catalyze connection, resilience, and possibility through highly-interactive learning experiences that amplify your team's vitality and cohesiveness.
Do you have training in your organization that does not engage people? How much is this costing you? David's Train-the-Trainer Workshops and Retreats are for leaders, trainers, OD consultants, and facilitators that want to bring more aliveness, energy, playfulness while at the same time reflection, depth, and gravitas to their facilitation.
Bring aliveness, intentionality, presence, playfulness AND depth to your design and facilitation for lasting impact.
Our times require us to grow in our leadership to be fit to face the complex challenges before us. David’s Unlocking Your Potential retreats and courses use a medley of resources, tools, and processes from Applied Improvisation, Liberating Structures, Immunity to Change™, and gems from the Conscious Leadership Group. Participants engage in deep reflection, courageous dialogue, and are invited into shifting mindsets, developing and practicing the skills necessary for creative and collaborative leadership.
Cultivating self-awareness, inner development and relational skills for greater well-being, effectiveness,
and versatility.
1:1 Transformational Coaching
Leaning into your own growth and development as a leader enables you to clarify, face challenges, and discover untapped potential within yourself, rippling its impact to those you serve.
Are you juggling multiple stakeholder relationships and just trying to stay grounded as you navigate these complex times? Are you hungering for more - sensing that more is possible, yet you and your team are just trying to keep your head above water? Are you in transition - changing jobs, heading into the next chapter of your life? David comes alongside busy executive and director-level professionals to support, challenge, and unlock hidden potential so that you can not just survive, but thrive!
What’s possible?
I delight in unlocking hidden resources (that are within you and your team already) by facilitating meaningful engagement. What would you do with more resources? What would be made possible? What’s the impact you want to make, even and especially in these times?
Let’s find out together.